joi, 28 aprilie 2011

Iveco EuroTech Bdf Frigo by Paulo (for Download)

This is my Iveco EuroTech Bdf frigo,made last year
Programs used: Zmodeler 2.1.1,Macromedia Fireworks,Photoscape


Download link:

miercuri, 27 aprilie 2011

Vw Crafter by Paulo (for Download)

This is my first version of my Volkswagen Crafter
Model for Euro Truck Simulator
Programs used: Zmodeler 2.1.1,Photoscape

-Truck.pmg is locked so please respect my work

Download link:

Renault Premium 2 Ciment BDF by Paulo (For Download)

This is my Premium 2 Ciment BDF witch i made in 2010 
It does not have trailer,but a good zmodeler can make it easy
Programs used: Zmodeler 2.1.1,Photoscape, Macromedia Fireworks 8.0

Truck have: 
-obj on lights
-curtains and satelite antena on reverse obj
-truck.pmg is blocked so please respect that

Download Link:

marți, 26 aprilie 2011

Scania R500 low deck (for Download)

Here is a wonderfull R500 Scania low deck 
This is not my work,but i offer it for download to show some ''friends'' that revenge is sweet 

Scania model for Euro Truck Simulator

Download link:

Scania R500 V8 StreetRed by Paulo

This version of the Scania R500 i wanted to make it more realistic,not so fancy with interior stuffed with all kinds of parts,and i think the final result is very realistic
Credits: Anaheim,Sheryo,Poland,Paulo`,Google 

Programs used: Zmodeler 2.1.1/Photoscape 

Scania R500 v8 Vaex by Paulo`

Scania R500 V8
Base model: Anaheim/Poland/Sheryo
Other Parts: EED123
VAEX Transformation: Paulo`
Parts used: from download
VAEX Skin: made by Paulo`

Programs used: Zmodeler 2.1.1/Photoscape